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The Socks - Suck
fsz502 | 41:59 | february 2006

The Socks are some kind of cut-up freaks who specialize in new orchestrations of R'n'B accapellas, without ever listening to the original songs - just because they don't want to get influenced by the crap ! You guessed that Chenard was behind all this nonsense.

THIS IS NOT A NEW RELEASE. Suck is just a listener's digest of all the tunes credited to Chenard Walcker which are based on the same principle as in every other The Socks stuff. But if you like the other Socks' tunes, download the shit. These songs are taken from the following Chenard's albums : Utopia, L'Omelette, Le Football De Collage & Oddio.



01 Remember the Time
02 Evol & Senipah
03 Magnetized Africa
04 MS Blast
05 Javanaise Again
06 Mary Jane
07 Leslie (You're Makin' Me)
08 Get Away
09 Frog Sinatra
10 Don't Stop
11 Scratch Jump
12 What a Girl !
13 Unfoolish
14 Iorchestra

Cover art : front | disc | back
Songs by Chenard Walcker
cc 2006 Free Sample Zone